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Fifty Years since the Dublin & Monaghan Car Bombings 1974

The Dublin and Monaghan Car Bombings of 1974 were unspeakable crimes of wanton savagery, exhibited with total disregard for human life and suffering. Even in the context of the many atrocities committed at that time a barrier was crossed into the darkness. It is matter of profound regret that no one has been made accountable for these crimes. The memories of those dark days slip from the wider public consciousness but never from the memories of their families and close friends. Much has been said and written about the culprits and much of the discourse has been coloured by competing political narratives. Many promises have been made and broken and there is no way that justice can prevail in the truest sense of that word. Personally I have spent many years researching the topic and, in this book, I intend to provide an honest appraisal based on the known facts and without fear or favour.



John O'Brien is a retired Detective Chief Superintendent, formerly head of the International Liaison Protection section in Garda HQ. National Head of Interpol and Europol. Previously Divisional Chief Superintendent in Louth/Meath and Laois/Offaly Divisions. A former superintendent, detective inspector, uniform inspector, and sergeant. He enjoyed a rewarding career as a front line garda. He is the holder of a MSc in Public Order Studies. John is also deeply involved in the Oral History project which is promoted by the GSRMA (Garda Retired Association) on  He is the author of four books on policing,  A Question of Honour, Politics and Policing (2020),  Securing the Irish State (2022), The Troubles come South (2023) and The Great Deception (2024). Having served in the 1970s he has a career long interest both professionally and personally in the Dublin and Monaghan Car Bombings 17 May 1974. His name sake (no relation)  John O’Brien, his wife Anna and their two children, Jacqueline and Anne Marie were sent to eternity in the Parnell Street explosion. Thirty four innocents were murdered on that day. The Irish State and the British State did not pursue justice for these victims at that time.

These terrible crimes were committed on 17 May 1974 and I intend to publish this book to remember the victims and their families. This book will contain information that has never been published and which will cast a definitive light on the perpetrators and the colluders.


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